[pmmail-list] Message Receive Interval [Was: PMMail mystery process pegs CPU]
Gene Gough
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 08:53:06 -0400
Even if it was true, how long do we hold back the world to the lowest common denominator? What earlier
version? Any Y2K compliant version should be OK and if it is older than that, upgrade.
On Mon, 03 Sep 2001 22:09:19 -0400 (EDT), Richard Knapp wrote:
>I was told when I requested this change before (at least three times now) the reason was due to people using
>versions of OS/2 that didn't support enough room in the data type for large values. To me, that seems odd
since larger
>values do work; they just aren't preserved when account settings are changed.
Gene Gough IBM - Retired Marietta, GA
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