[pmmail-list] sending dupes
Steve Wendt
Sat, 08 Sep 2001 02:10:04 -0700 (PDT)
The issue of sending duplicate messages has been discussed here in the past.
Specifically, I note that it happens when I am hogging the bandwidth with
something else, i.e. an FTP download. I've had this happen to me tonight with a
few messages, and I noticed that the SMTP status was displaying this message:
"Detected Previous Send...Retrying"
When it shows this, the Outbox is empty. When this message has gone away, then
the "Sent Mail" version of the message gets deleted (from my Trash folder, I don't
save them in the Sent Mail folder). Perhaps this provides some clues as to what is
happening? Apparently, it seems to think the original one didn't make it???
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