[pmmail-list] Optional Field in a Canned Reply
Kris Sorem Sr
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 00:08:55 -0700 (PDT)
My reply to message from Carl Gehr sent on
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 02:21:09 -0400 (EDT). You wrote:
>Is there no way to 'compare' the $h.cc$=""...
>and then take some action? ["Action," in this case, would be to insert
>the contents of $h.cc$ if the result was FALSE.]
Not in the <Canned Reply> itself. If you wish to automate, you can create
a filter, preferably manual, to check for carbon copy ie [ !h.cc="" ] and
use a matching <Canned Reply> - one with the carbon copy field and one