[pmmail-list] HTML email
Richard Grevers
Sat, 06 Apr 2002 23:57:08 +1200
Apologies if this is old ground*
I have several issues with reading HTML email in PMMail
1) I have no problem with the fact that PMM handles only a small
subset of HTML. I'm very thankful that it doesn't handle scripting,
redirects etc.
2) I would dearly love to have more choice when it comes to viewing
HTML email. My suggestion is a toggle button on the read window, with three states:
i : Parse and display supported HTML
ii : Display as plaintext (all markup elided)
iii: Display as source (plaintext with tags shown)
The button should be greyed out if the mail does not contain html.
It should be possible to set a default state in account preferences.
The preview pane should be treated separately - just a preference for
HTML, plaintext or source code, unaffected by the button on the read window.
3) It concerns me that PMMail appears to use content sniffing - in that if a mail with
a content type of text/plain contains either an HTML tag or a BODY tag it seems to be
rendered as HTML mail - which thoroughly stuffs up one developer's mailing list I belong
to where people sometimes post complete pages. To read these messages I often have to
press the reply key. text/plain should always be rendered as text.
*Thanks for the archive link Joachim - I downloaded the full version but my system didn't
know what to do with the mbox file after unzipping., and I haven't been able to access
your server again since, so I haven't actually read any archived material.
Richard Grevers
This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
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