[pmmail-list] Fwd: [os2info] [VOICENWS] Bug in PMMail 2.20.2380
Kenn Yuill
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 04:44:31 -0400
** Reply to message from "Rod... Whitworth" <listener@witworx.com> on
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:33:05 +1000
Hi Rod,
Thanks for the tip on Time868, which I don't use but extracted
Norbert Dey's TZCALC program and it gave the exact format that Bruce
wrote earlier. Jonathan de Boyne Pollard states that his calculator is
based on the ISO/IEC 9445-1:1900 (POSIX 1003.1 standard(s). I use
NISTime2, which is run from the InJoy Dialler and works quite well,
once the delay time for the response from whatever NIS site is picked
by the user. I believe it is configurable for countries other than the
U.S.A., by entering the appropriate data in a table. I use a site in
MA, since it is rather close (MA=Massachusetts). NISTime2 is the
newest version on Hobbes.
__________________ Original Message Below __________________
If you get a copy of Time868 it will figure it out for you so that you
can cut and paste the string into config.sys in EPM or whatever. BTW
don't run Time868 all the time even if you have a 24*7 internet - it
leaks sockets like mad. I have it on a box here polling another machine
that uses 4 time servers in our region and it is set to poll once in 16
hours. I still kill it every few days.
Always act as if life is a joyous journey.
Kenn Yuill Warp 4.5 IBM Java 1.18
Polarbar Team Tester IceStorm Browser
- A Thought for Today - 18 Apr 2002
Pretend to spank me -- I'm a pseudo-masochist!
- Phil Parker http://www.math.twsu.edu/Faculty/Parker/
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