[pmmail-list] HTML in Yahoo Groups [was Re: html]
Andrew Webber
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 14:51:56 -0400
On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 08:56:59 +1200, Richard Grevers wrote:
>No one does send HTML format to any of the mailing lists I'm
>on. (I think yahoogroups strips HTML formatting at the server).
>However, two of the groups are totally dependent on being
>able to view HTML source unformatted (text/plain) as content.
This is actually configurable per-group by the group's owner.
There are options for stripping attachments, activating the "file
sharing" area for the group (30Mb per group!), converting HTML to
plaintext, and some others.
I subscribe to one Yahoo group where people post in HTML and also
fling large attachments onto the list. I sent the group's owner a
summary of the options and how to implement them but was ignored.
Oh well. (I need the info enough to handle the headaches).
Converting HTML messages to plaintext is rather hidden in the Yahoo
help screens, but it says this under "converting text messages to
"If you are a group owner interested in having a plain-text only
group for all members, disable attachments in your group settings
and HTML-based messages will be rejected."
andrew [awebber@wwwebbers.com]
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