[pmmail-list] Subject sorting nit PMMail Win Pro
Martin Moran
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 19:49:01 -0600
On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 15:54:36 +0100 (BST), Simon Bowring wrote:
>I agree a feature to ignore common (configurable?) prefixes such
>as "Fwd:", "FW:" and "Re:" would be good, but what's really
>required is TRUE threading using message id's and references etc.
I concur - I would like to see a full tree view for different threads,
sorted by whatever will yield the proper chronological order of
threading - it that's using message id's and references, that's fine.
This is probably something that we wouldn't see until v3, though - I'm
assuming that it would take a bit of work.
Martin Moran ommoran@telusplanet.net
Edmonton, Alberta e-mail for my PGP key
"When you're caffeinated, all is right with the world"
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