[pmmail-list] Beta progress
Dean Boulding
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 10:15:01 +0700
You probably already know this, but there was a terrible memory leak problem on some
machines using early builds of Win 98. I understand that there was a fix available, but I
had already given up and moved to Win 2k.
On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 19:52:38 -0600, Martin Moran wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 17:25:48 -0400, PMMail 2000 Support wrote:
>>that he hopes to have a new build by Wednesday of next week. He has
>>cleared ALL memory leaks from the code and only needs to fix a few
>>pointers so that there should be no memory problems with the code. Work
>A question of curiosity here - I'm running what is now a low-horsepower
>machine with *gasp* only 64MB of RAM. I've noticed that after
>considerable uptime - 1 to 3 hours or so - that the machine starts to
>spiral down in speed when switching windows and doing tasks, leading me
>to believe it's a memory issue. (And yes, I get 1 to 3 hours of uptime
>with Win98, which also amazes me.)
>Is PMMail the culprit here? Have I missed a thread about this
>somewhere along the line?
>Martin Moran ommoran@telusplanet.net
>Edmonton, Alberta e-mail for my PGP key
>"When you're caffeinated, all is right with the world"
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Dean Boulding
Jakarta, Indonesia
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