[pmmail-list] List stil active??
Sorin Srbu
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 16:54:12 +0200
On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 09:44:51 -0500, Oberon wrote:
>>>> Is this list still active? Haven't seen any posting for a
>>>> very long time...
>>> There's been only a few posts per day lately, but yep this list
>>>is still "active". I think we're just all waiting for the next beta.
>>When is it due?
>Yesterday <GBG>. Last I remember, anyway. If Brandon wonders what all the
>FTP contacts are about, I keep checking.
Well, guess we can wait a few more days. Like till monday? 8-)
# Sorin Srbu, Systems Engineer Email: sorin.srbu@orgfarm.uu.se
# Department of Medical Chemistry, Web: http://www.farmaci.uu.se
# Division of Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Phone: +46-18-471-4482 >> 5 signals >> GSM
# BMC, Box 574, Uppsala University Cell Phone: +46-701-718023
# SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden Fax: +46-18-471-4474
# Visit: BMC, Husargatan 3, D5:512b
# Public PGP key available on request.
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