[pmmail-list] Future version suggestion [resend].
Paul Ratcliffe
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:06:53 +0100 (BST)
On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 07:45:56 -0700, Paul J. Bodin wrote:
>> You have to deactivate the "Send immediately" option in the SEND
page of
>> the account settings, then you have a chance to edit a message in
the outbox
>> before it is sent out.
>Why not just drag, move, or copy it to the "Drafts" folder if you want
>to edit it before resending?
Because it doesn't work if it's already been sent. You only seem to be
able to do this in the Outbox folder.
It is all very silly - you should be able to edit any message in any
folder and at least save it. If it is an unsent or sent message (as
opposed to a received message) then you should be able to send it as
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