[pmmail-list] Outward filter needed
Martin Moran
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 08:56:36 -0600
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 13:12:55 -0700, Tim Roberts wrote:
>It's easy enough to look it up. Anyone interested enough in e-mail to be
>part of this list should probably have a copy on their bookshelf.
Sorry, but that's a more than slightly arrogant statement. Some of us
aren't on here because we are "interested enough in e-mail". Some of
us on here are not trying to develop the most RFC compliant mail reader
Some of us are just here because they like PMMail, would like to
continue to use it, and would like to do something to foster future
development on the software.
Thus, I don't need a copy of an RFC on my bookshelf, as I frankly don't
care. I just want a mail reader that works.
Martin Moran ommoran@telusplanet.net
Edmonton, Alberta e-mail for my PGP key
"When you're caffeinated, all is right with the world"
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