[pmmail-list] Additional feature request for OS/2 New Version
Dave Saville
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 11:48:40 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:02:51 +0100 (CET),
pmmail-archive@joachimselinger.de wrote:
>Hi Winfried!
>On 1 Feb, Winfried Tilanus wrote:
>> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:43:05 +0100 (CET),
>> pmmail-archive@joachimselinger.de wrote:
>>>That just leads me to another feature request. Can we possibly get some
>>>function that would tell us the full path of the message in question?
>>>This way, it would be easier to do manual manipulations on the message
>>>Often have I gone throuhg lots of files with 'grep' and companions to
>>>find the one where I want to extract some info in the raw format.
>> Well, I don't know exactly how such a function should wor, but some
>> kind of it, is already present in PMMail: the external hook (send /
>> recieve / filter). It passes as argument the message that is processed
>> to the script.
>> Want a copy of the message? Make a batchfile like this:
>> @copy %1 c:\someplace\
>> Don't know if this is a sollution to your problem?
>Thanks for the idea! Yes that is a solution, but requires one more step. I
>thought of having the path on my fingertips and available for cut and
>past. Your solution still has a problem if you do this often, as it
>clutters up \someplace\ and then I'm still at a loss which message which
>file there was, unless I delete the older ones or overwrite them.
My ClipView utility package for OS/2 includes two programs to pipe
between the command line and the clipboard.
So a filter cmd file like
/* */
parse arg file
'@echo 'file' |pipeclip'
Would get the file name into the clipboard just by running the
Clipview can be found on Hobbes as clipvw15.zip
Dave Saville
Please note new email address dave.saville@ntlworld.com
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