[pmmail-list] PMMail STRIP Utility [Was: Additional feature. . .]
Carl Gehr
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 12:44:29 -0500 (EST)
Oh, STRIP 'says' [when I watch the command dialog go by]
that it processed the message a second time. The problem
seems to be that it just never looks past the FIRST
attachment on the message.
Also, it does NOT change the file size *IF* PMMail/2 is OPEN.
I just stripped a file that had a 709K file attached. The
DIR listing now shows that the message file itself is 4527
bytes long. BUT, the message display window [And the BAG
entry] still shows:
For some reason, it is not changing the size nor the "K"
to "KB".
And, to repeat, if I CLOSE PMMail/2, then it will change the
file size when it processes the file. I've not tried to
reprocess a message with PMMail/2 closed after it has already
been processed once.
It is a minor annoyance, not a major problem. I only pointed
it out so other new users would not waste the time trying to
figure out how to make it work. I reported it to the developer,
and, while he was sympathetic, no fix was provided other than
shut PMMail/2 down. I have MANY THOUSANDS of messages. It
takes far too long to close/open PMMail/2 to do that. So, I
just live with it.
On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 18:03:27 +1100, Rod... Whitworth wrote:
>On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 00:46:42 -0500 (EST), Carl Gehr wrote:
>>I've been using it for a while. Only two problems, neither are show
>>1) It does not seem to remove other than the FIRST attachment from a
>>message. Even running the message through a second time does not get
>>rid of additional attachments.
>strip.exe changes the file size parameter in the FOLDER.BAG file to
>xxKB from xxK and it looks at that as a sign that it is done. If you
>hexedited it to change the B to anything else it would do it again.
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