[pmmail-list] problem with version 2.20.2469
Paul Hodges
Fri, 08 Feb 2002 17:24:37
On Fri, 08 Feb 2002 12:45:44 -0400, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
> Out of curiosity, who are you trying to bounce the message to?
I'm sure it's not relevant, as I can select the same messages and
bounce them manually just fine.
I collect unfiltered junk messages from several accounts into one
folder, mark them all and use a manual filter to bounce them to
<junk@junkspy.com> and then delete them (this is the address for
sending junk to help with the improvement of their filters). This
seems marginally less trouble than sending them manually. Taking the
delete out of the filter doesn't help - the error is in doing the
bounce itself (or forward, which does the same) within a filter.
When the filter is operating, the status line shows some sending
activity, which presumably is aborted for some reason.
Actually, it now occurs to me that the address may affect it, as I
have just remembered that the otherwise identical filter with the
address <notjunk@junkspy.com> (for reporting messages that are
incorrectly filtered as junk) when I last tried it caused the message
to be deleted without either being sent or being left in the outbox.
I haven't tried that one in the two recent betas.
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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