[pmmail-list] Migrating filters
Lueko Willms
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:44:33 +0100 (MEZ)
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:31:32 +0100 (CET), Frans Morre wrote:
> > You can open both in, say, EPM and copy the lines with the filters
> > from one account to the FILTERS.LST of the other account.
> >
> > Sure, this is not a simplistic drag and drop, but it works.
> >
> > Maybe you can also use file comparison tools like GFC or the
> > command line DIFF.
> I've been looking at that, but I don't know what the first line refers
> too,
You mean the number 190?
I have looked into the FILTERS.LST in different accounts, and this
line is always the same. I guess this is PMMail's File Type Id for
> and there are no references to folder names on the filter lines,
> hence I should know which numbers (keys to other files?) to adapt when
> I want to refer to folders in the new account. In my case, I'll
> recreate the same named directory structure in the target account.
Well, you can identify the filter by its name, and you can move
that line the FILTERS.LST in the target account.
It will certainly be less work to rename the folders for the new
account than to recreate the filters from scratch, since the
conditions are in the FILTERS.LST in clear, while folders are just
being referred to by number. But when you _move_ (not copy) the
folder directories within the directory tree with OS/2 system means,
this ID number might be taken over to the new place, too. I don't
But in my view, the workaround which I proposed is the least
complicated of all. I don't know better.
Lüko Willms
/ Lueko.Willms@T-Online.de
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