[pmmail-list] PMMail2000 build 2469 crash
Paul Hodges
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 17:05:13
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 12:39:33 -0400, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
> Can you confirm that your copy is still crashing?
Well, I only received it this weekend, and it crashed 2469 several
times. There's no crash info to give you, as it just curls up and
That was at home. I have just copied the message (from the zip I
sent you) into my work installation of 2469, and it did exactly the
same here.
You'll have to ask me questions - I can't imagine what aspect of my
setup could possibly affect whether this causes a crash or not. But
it may be worth remarking that both setups have migrated over a long
time and through many versions of PMMail2000 (and PMMail/2 as well).
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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