[pmmail-list] Digest (01/23/2002 09:01) (#2002-117)
Brian Morrison
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 13:15:35
On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 13:05:50, Paul Hodges wrote:
>> FWIW, I got a chance to to some SMTP updates to PMMail this week. A new
>> (beta) version of PMMail that supports ESMTP will be released soon.
>> Best regards,
>> Peter
>It wouldn't have taken much effort for BSW to tell us this, and might
>have taken the edge off the frustration that some people are feeling.
That little word 'soon' though, what does it mean?
Brian Morrison bdm@fenrir.demon.co.uk
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails
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