[pmmail-list] Update from Peter Nielsen
PMMail OS/2 Support
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:06:44 -0400
On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:54:29, Paul Hodges wrote:
>I think that is a bad assumption. Peter's plan to make a new source
>for the Windows version (which has more facilities) to his standards
>and then port it back to OS/2 is sound, and realistic given his
>experience of writing code that can be compiled on both platforms.
I agree. Again, that doesn't mean it will definitely happen the way
he hopes, but we have all seen what he did with PMView (in the
opposite direction) and he did a superlative job. As I have stated in
the past, that is one of the reasons he eventually ended up at BSW:
because Thomas Bradford wanted someone who is a great programmer and
who knew both operating systems.
Trevor Smith
PMMail/2 Technical Support
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