[pmmail-list] Update from Peter Nielsen
Skip Huffman
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:18:55 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 19:39:57 +0100, Dr. Martin R. Hadam wrote:
> Not sure if this is a good test. Where would you get the results from?
>Up to now, once it comes to telling straight-forward sales numbers,
>even the loudest proponents of "huge sales" instantaneously turn mute.
>Second, there's only a nag screen in the plugin - how many decide they
>could easily live with that? Forgot to mention the betatesters who
>presumably got their copy, and their friends, etc. ... Last not least,
>what are the chances that the plugin is included with Software Choice
>in the not too distant future? Since IBM presents their own browser,
>it's bound to show up rather sooner than later. Once there, eCS
>customers will cry foul...
And how will people find out about such things? And what if
they don't use flash? Or they don't want to spend $16 for
shipping? I only found out here, and I just ordered.
Skip Huffman
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