[pmmail-list] Us XP Morons

Dave in Phoenix pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sat, 26 Jan 2002 17:07:25 -0700

Someone said:
XP is actually a minor release on the NT side of the fence ... Its major=
claim to fame was to bring 95/98/ME DOS compatibility to the NT kernal ...
So all the home users could run their games, ... Both the Home and the Pro
versions of XP have a "crap" user-interface an= d is geared towards morons
...How much clearer do I have to say it ???

Such silly statements show more your bias.   I have never played a game,
have no DOS programs, am networked with 3 computers at office, used to be a
dedicated OS/2 user...until about 5 years ago.. and am not a moron because
I use XP Pro :(

I am not pro Microsoft but XP is zillions of times more stable than Win98,
rarely crashes, if it does, only one program, not the system.  You can
easily get rid of the wizards and I use the classic Win98 desktop at high
resolution.   Since after OS/2 I used Win98 I just didn't want to take the
time to go to NT or 2000. Now with XP I see no reason to.  But I am just a
game playing moron since I use XP.

Dave in Phoenix

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