[pmmail-list] Us XP Morons
Gene Gough
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:30:35 -0500
Yep, here in Georgia the driving test is done in a parking lot with yellow cones.
On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 22:27:39 -0500, Steven Hollar wrote:
>> there are certain minimum requirements one must meet in order to drive ... Like how to check the
>for a
>>flat, where exactly to put gas into the tank ... Maybe even know how to check and see if the oil is low ...
>All those "things" are understood by
>>everyone to be necessary to operate a car
>Not necessarily. I've run into some folks that couldn't tell you anything but "put the key in, turn it,
>the lever thingy to "D", and push that pedal on the right". How these people got a drivers license could
>classified as a miracle.
>Steven Hollar
Gene Gough IBM - Retired Marietta, GA
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