[pmmail-list] OS/2 version

Chua Teng Thiam pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 00:28:26 +0800 (SGT)

I would be willing to shell out cash for a beta (did for numerous products, 
latest one being eCS) as long as the company has its integrity and interest of 
their customers at heart.

Can't say I'll be willing to shell anything for any BSW product, now or in the 

Peter did a marvelous job with PMView. Many took it as a good thing in late 
2000 that Peter was joining BSW. I did so too. However, I've since his 
last "update" changed my mind. It's gonna be a big disaster for Peter and his 
PMView. He's now "relegated" to doing e-commerce for BSW instead of focusing on 
what he was "originally" (my take) tasked to do (PMView and PMMail). And the 
earliest where he can go back to PMView/PMMail (and remember, PMMail has two 
version, and we know which version has TOP priority) fulltime is July.

Sorry. But I guess my current PMMail/2 will have to suffice or I'll have to 
look elsewhere.

Thank you BSW for the current GA version of PMMail/2. It's not perfect but it 
was a great improvement over the previous version.

NO thanks for your lofty and cavalier attitude towards your customer.

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