[pmmail-list] 3 things, I suppose
John Thompson
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 06:15:46 -0500 (CDT)
On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Martin Moran wrote:
> 2) What the heck causes the "=20" I sometimes get at the end of every
> line?
That is a result of the sender using "quoted/printable" mime encoding for
their message. "quoted/printable" encoding is often used for
non-English character sets that include diacritical markers and such
that are not part of the low ascii character set. The "=20" tells mime
that it is to insert an ascii 20 character (carriage return) at that
point. If mime isn't working on your end, the "=20" is passed through
without translation.
-John (John.Thompson@attglobal.net)
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