[pmmail-list] hyper-text?
Frank Winkler @home
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 20:52:35 +0200 (CEST)
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 18:06:13 +0100 (BST), Simon Bowring wrote:
>Anyone here experienced in professional level web-design (I don't
>mean people who earn their crust at it, I mean people that have
>a deep understanding of the issues), will know how difficult it
>is to make web-pages and web-applications etc that either look
>as the user intended or work "properly" accross even a half-dozen
>different browsers. Considering HTML and browers were *designed*
>for each other this is a poor state of affairs, the situation
>is worse for email clients because HTML and the other w3c standrads
>have no consideration for any of the special needs of an email
>There should obviously be no issue with sending files in various
>formats as attachments (HTML, PDFs, Word, GIFs, PNGs, WMFs, etc etc),
>but "forcing" email clients to have to understand any or all of
>these "foreign" file formats is not in the spirit of the email
>standrads and is unltimately doomed to failure and tears, since
>the needs of different user communities are so different!
>This is the cause of the continuous passionate arguments re
>plain-text vs HTML emails!
>If you want to exchange WYSIWYG docs use (e.g.) PDFs
>If you want to exchange text (information) use (plain)-text
>Opening an attached PDF should open a PDF file viewer like Acrobat,
>opening an image file should open an image viewer, and opening an HTML
>file should open a web-browser!
>Lastly there's the problem of user ignorance. An email user (say
>my aging mother) should be able to be confident that what she sends is
>what is received. In the (ASCII) past, the only variation centred
>around line lengths and wrapping etc, which netiquette gave defacto
>standards for and many email clients were implemented in ways that
>supported this - all this is hundreds of times worse with HTML
>email! It's a mess!
Full ACK!!! :)
Frank Winkler frank@consol.de
ConSol GmbH
Franziskanerstr. 38 Voice +49 89 45841.275
81669 Munich - Germany Fax +49 89 45841.189
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