[pmmail-list] Cannot send any Mails from two accounts
Boris Kirkorowicz
Fri, 07 Jun 2002 07:46:47 +0200 (MSZ)
On Thu, 06 Jun 2002 20:47:59 -0300, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
>Close PMMail. Find the corresponding directory on your hard drive for
>your outbox folder. Delete any .MSG files in it, as well as the
>FOLDER.BAG file. Do NOT delete anything else. Restart PMMail and let
>me know if the problem remains.
OK, it's gone now. But what I found when I looked into the directory
was that there were six other .MSG files, dated 2001 and even 2000.
They were not detected doing re-index. I deleted them, too.
Gruß Greetings
Boris Kirkorowicz
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