[pmmail-list] Invoking PMMail/2 from Mozilla
Simon Wright
Fri, 07 Jun 2002 22:24:38 +0200 (CDT)
>On Fri, 07 Jun 2002 14:17:57 +0200, Sorin Srbu wrote:
>>>>May I ask how you did this? Storing the mailfolders on a lan that
>>>>is. I've been trying to do the same thing, but always end up with
>>>>the demo-version of Pmm...
>>>Very easy. Just add your data directory to the working directory
>>>box in your program object. Path & file name has the full path
>>>to PMMail, the working directory box has the path to the
>>>directory above where you have your mail stored.
>Now the mailto-clicking in IE doesn't work anymore. Why??
Now the registry entry in win2k points to the program directory
instead of the data files entry. I'm not on a windows machine
right now, so I can't give you the reg key, but do a search for
BlueprintSoftware and find the key that has a program location
in it (there's only one). Change this to your data directory and
the mailto: links in IE should work again. I'm sure that a
version of *this* one is one the FAQ - 1.28, just below the link
you sent me, but 1.28 assumes that the data files are in the
standard location. If they are split, you have to edit the
registry manually.
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