[pmmail-list] Selecting startup for PMMail 2000

Andrew Webber pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sun, 09 Jun 2002 00:58:17 -0400

On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 23:19:20 -0400 (EDT), John C Humphrey wrote:

>I think the question Hazen has is one I ran into some time ago 
>(for a reason I can't remember) that I never resolved.  Can 
>you call a shortcut from the command line or batch file in 
>Windows?  Not being a windows kind of guy I seem to run into 
>this little problems whenever I need to deal with it.  Does 
>anyone know of a way to call a shortcut other than writing 
>a little batch file that duplicates the short cut?

I just tried this using START|RUN, don't know if that will help.

I made a folder called C:\Data\_SCs and stuck a shortcut to Nero in
it (actually a shortcut to the shortcut to Nero -- I just
right-dragged the Nero shortcut from my desktop).

Anyway, I did START|RUN and in the box said C:\Data\_SCs\Nero and
up came Nero!

Technically shortcuts have a .lnk extension but they don't need it
to launch the application, although (like .bat files) it might be
worthwhile to include in case there's ever duplication (highly

It's possible to execute the shortcuts that are on my desktop from
START|RUN, the problem is the path has spaces and has to be wrapped
in quotation marks: "C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew
Webber\Desktop\Nero.lnk" launches Nero but without the quotes I get
an error on non-existed directory Documents (Windows stupidity).

Hope this helps.

andrew [awebber@wwwebbers.com]
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