[pmmail-list] Fetching large mail
Andrew Webber
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 21:47:48 -0400
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 21:56:38 +0200 (CES), Frans Morre wrote:
>On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 14:16:17 -0400, Andrew Webber wrote:
>> Maybe it's a problem at your ISP?
>Maybe, but how could I know ? They're not allowed to go
>into my mailbox, and are baffled when I explain I'm using
>PMMail/2 ;)
Well this has already been answered I think, but if something about
the message (e.g. size [though that's unlikely at "only" 2Mb] or
something in it) is prevented its deletion, you could phone (if
possible) and ask the ISP to look at your mailbox. They
undoubtedly have the ability to see it, even if not what's inside
the files (although that may be a procedural restriction rather
than a permissions thing), and could at least delete it.
But start with OE (I'd have suggested Free Eudora), or MailWasher
or something else.
andrew [awebber@wwwebbers.com]
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