[pmmail-list] Fetching large mail
Andrew Webber
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 12:43:02 -0400
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002 12:17:43 -0400, Steve Barber wrote:
>That's one of the reasons I mentioned my similar problem...
>since mine seems to clear up if I dump the spam using
>webmail access offered by my attglobal.net ISP, it may
>be a clue that it's not necessarily large messages but
>something else unusual about the message or attachment
>that's causing the problem.
That's what I was thinking too, my suggestion (which I may not
actually have made :() was to try changing the desktop to "Leave on
Server" when there's a stuck message the notebook can't get, to see
if the same thing happens.
>I'm not familiar with Vice-Versa, and just thought it
>would be easier to use the "leave on server" while
>travelling with laptop to assure my desktop stays in
I like Vice-Versa www.tgrmn.com it seems to do the job well. There
may be better, cheaper, or more sophisticated solutions out there,
but I've never had any trouble. Unless there's a reason not to use
it for sync'ing PMMail, I figure that part comes free when I sync
any other data folders I've updated while on the road with the
andrew [awebber@wwwebbers.com]
If my timestamp is off by an hour, it's not my fault.
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