[pmmail-list] OS/2 PMMail issues
Stephen Eickhoff
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:01:21 -0500
On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 08:57:20 -0500 (EST), Gregory L. Marx wrote:
>On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 10:02:55 +0100 (CET), Dag Bjerkeli wrote:
>>So, please correct me, and tell me that there _are_ plans
>>for updating the OS/2 client, sometimes in the near furture.
>Not going to happen Dag ...
>I don't know Peter Nielson but I do know he's been a straight-up kind of guy ...
>If he says there's no plans for updating the OS/2 client ... then it ain't happening ...
>Personally, I'm hoping that Odin slowly but surely gets good enough to run PMMail for Windows
IMHO, there's far better solutions if you're going to run Windows. Let's face it. The reason I still
use PMMail is historical... because I used it on OS/2 since 1996 and I'd rather not change until
there's a compelling reason. The poor HTML support is pushing me there, mostly because some
entities are sending out complex (and broken) XML e-mails as if everyone uses MonopolySoft e-
mail clients that I can't read. Usually I can print them out fine as plain text, but poor PMMail tries to
render HTML even when it hardly has a clue what half the tags mean. The best I can do in that case
is to 'view entire message' and dig for the plaintext version, if it exists.
Stephen Eickhoff
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