[pmmail-list] PMMail/2 2.20.2382
Frank Winkler @home
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:13:26 +0100 (CET)
On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 04:46:39 -0800 (PST), Steve Wendt wrote:
>>18-03-02 17:05 586.555 0 pmmail.exe
>>Is this really the correct file size?
>That's what is running here...
Strange ... this many garbage in the older binaries? ;)
Does anybody have a clue what could be the reason why none of the 2.20.xxxx
version are starting up on my system? I can see the process running but no
window appears. Cure: "kill" it and use 2.10.2010 :( ...
BSW denies to supply a debug version.
Frank Winkler frank@consol.de
ConSol GmbH
Franziskanerstr. 38 Voice +49 89 45841.275
81669 Munich - Germany Fax +49 89 45841.189
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