[pmmail-list] Bug in 2.20.2502
Willms-EDV Technik
Fri, 24 May 2002 17:33:13 +0200 (MES)
On Fri, 24 May 2002 07:09:32 +0000, J Seder wrote:
>On Fri, 24 May 2002 13:33:53 +0200 (MES), Willms-EDV Technik wrote:
>> Have you closed down and restarted PMMail after moving the folders? I had
>>to do it twice before PMMail would recocnize the new location of the folder
>>moved folders and filters between accounts).
>This doesn't affect the bad numbers PMMail has put into the FOLDER.INI
Why "bad"? The numbers just need to be unique.
I assume that Parag Mehta did what I did -- move the folders by moving the
directories with all files in it, including the FOLDER.INI. It is from there
that PMMail reads the folder ID number and associates it with the directory
where this FOLDER.INI is being found. The filter refer to these numbers, i.e.
when the FOLDER.INI is moved, the filter still functions for the new location.
Just give PMMail the chance to associate the folder ID number with the new
location within the disk directories. No need to change the FOLDER.INI
L. Willms
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