[pmmail-list] HTML version
Richard Turner
Fri, 24 May 2002 09:27:29 -0700
When I run into an HTML message that PMmail doesn't handle when I open it in my external editor, NoteTab Pro, which has an extremely handy feature of stripping
out all HTML codes, leaving you with a very clean message.
It is a create Windows based text editor that also has some good web page authoring abilities and much more.
On Fri, 24 May 2002 11:27:55 +0100, Brian Morrison wrote:
>On Fri, 24 May 2002 11:42:20 +0200, xavier caballe wrote:
>>>The Windows version of PMMail can render some forms of html mail.
>>>Unfortunately it doesn't have a setting to turn this feature off....
>>It's so broken that honestly I can't say it supports HTML... :)
>Note that I didn't say it was supported, merely that it can render some
>of it OK. Personally I like the OS/2 versions ability to rip out the
>tags completely, that's what I want for the Windows version.
>Brian Morrison bdm@fenrir.org.uk
> do you know how far this has gone?
> just how damaged have I become?
> 'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails
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