[pmmail-list] PMMail and HTML
J Seder
Wed, 29 May 2002 18:51:39 +0000
The good news about PMMail is that you can write a user filter that
strips HTML tags. The following just crudely disables them and also
wrecks anything that depends on '<' by changing '<' into '_'... It
spares message headers by waiting for an HTML tag before starting its
dirty work.
If this discussion doesn't go away then I might enhance it to more
intelligently strip them.
Save this as a file (e.g. pmunhtml.cmd) in your PMMail program
directory, and specify it as a user exit in an Incoming or Manual
filter (rexx pmunhtml.cmd). Use at your own risk -- and it is risky.
No warranties expressed or implied.
/* Rexx script to turn all < into _ in a PMMail message.
This is a stupid but effective way to remove HTML tags.
Jonathan Seder May 2002*/
call RxFuncAdd 'SysTempFileName', 'RexxUtil', 'SysTempFileName'
/* trace normal */
arg ffile
if ffile='' then do
say 'No input argument!'
ifp = lastpos('\',ffile)
fpath = left(ffile,ifp)
fname = substr(ffile,ifp+1)
tempfile = SysTempFileName(fpath||'pmunhtml.???')
/* Disable HTML tags */
htmlflag = 0
do forever
if lines(ffile)=0 then leave
b = linein(ffile)
/* We don't want to remove < in the header */
if htmlflag=0 then do
bu = translate(b)
if pos('<HTML',bu)<>0 then htmlflag = 1
else if pos('<p>',bu)<>0 then htmlflag = 1
else if pos('<a ',bu)<>0 then htmlflag = 1
else if pos('<title',bu)<>0 then htmlflag = 1
if htmlflag then do forever
/* This loop could use some intelligence */
i = pos('<',b)
if i=0 then leave
b = overlay('_',b,i)
n = lineout(tempfile,b)
n = LineOut(tempfile)
err = stream(ffile,'C','CLOSE')
trace all
'erase' fpath||'eraseme.fil'
'rename' ffile 'eraseme.fil'
rename tempfile fname
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