[pmmail-list] Spam -- your definition
PMMail OS/2 Support
Thu, 30 May 2002 12:06:34 -0300
On Thu, 30 May 2002 08:43:55 -0600 (MDT), Ann Knight wrote:
> UCE/UBE (my definition of "spam") is theft. Telemarketers don't call me collect, and junk mail
>doesn't come to my door postage due. The cost of spam (estimated at US$8 billion per year) is
>paid by me and every other end user on the Internet, whether we like it or not. I think you should
>read the Net Abuse FAQs pertaining to email, you can start at http://www.spamfaq.net/
You have an argument, but the senders of the email in question may be
paying for their Internet connectivity (i.e. their server space,
bandwidth, etc. -- in other words, their share of the network
infrastructure costs).
The key is, as you say, "EVERY [emphasis is mine] other end user on
the Internet." This, by definition, includes the spammer himself.
While some will steal others' server time, some may attempt to
legitimately pay for the delivery of their "spam", just like any bulk
user of the postal system.
Yes, there may be other costs caused by the transmission of their
messages outside the part of the network they are paying for, but the
same is true for *noncommercial* emails sent to you. So are you
saying that if they're not trying to make money, people should be
allowed to use the network resources for free, but if they are trying
to make money, they should not be? That seems reasonable.
Trevor Smith
PMMail/2 Technical Support
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