[pmmail-list] HTML mail again (was: PMMail 2000 Update)
Robert Gammon
Thu, 30 May 2002 10:09:08 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 30 May 2002 15:44:29 +0100, Brian Morrison wrote:
>On Thu, 30 May 2002 09:04:34 -0500 (CDT), Robert Gammon wrote:
>> When I objected to the sending of HTML, I
>>was told to shut up, my views do not represent those of the
>Did you explain that they were sending non standards-compliant
>that is a bad advertisement for the company?
I got to say ONE sentence, to the effect that it wsas
non-standard to send such mail and it could not/ would not be
read on MY computer. I was immediately told to shutup (however,
the person giving the presentation has absolutely ZERO power to
change things, so my comments would have no possible impact on
the situation).
>>Whats even worse, at least for me, is that Outlook Express is
>>mandated tool for my broker to use, he has no other choice.
>>Whenever s/he needs to send me an attchment (.pdf usually), it
>>IMPOSSIBLE for PMMail/2 to decode the mail.
>So you mean that OE is badly configured? Anyone I know that uses
>seems able to send correctly MIME-encoded pdf attachments that I
>decode in any mailer I use. If it is producing inline
attachments and
>trying to start the pdf viewer in the mailer window, that's very
>Windows-centric and unlikely to work for anyone else.
The broker is on some version of WinNT. We went through all the
settings for the mail tool to see what could be changed. I could
NOT detect what needed to be changed. There is a signature line
that is added to every email that is compliance related, it gets
merged inside PMMail/2 with the intended attachment. Manual
edits of the attachment (Attachments -> Save Selected Attachment)
are generally fruitless.
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