[pmmail-list] network drives
Michael Lueck
Thu, 30 May 2002 20:16:01 -0400
On Thu, 30 May 2002 13:08:07 -0400, Ralph Cohen wrote:
>The second problem I
>ran into was a delay on the Win2k system when accessing email from the
>OS/2 system. Fixing this required patching the PMMail executable on
>the Win2k system which was relatively simple. If you run into the same
>problem, I'll be happy to send you the instructions for the patch.
What patch? I have done the config change to NetBEUI to make the Win2K params
match the OS/2 and DOS ones... but I have heard nothing about actually patching
the PMMail executable file. PMMail opens in 1 mins from the server, and in
about 7 seconds local. I would say that is a slightly noticable delay for me.
And the server is no small toy either.
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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