[pmmail-list] Spam -- your definition
Paul Hodges
Fri, 31 May 2002 10:35:07 +0100
On Thu, 30 May 2002 12:01:29 -0300, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
> So your definition of spam is anything sent by an inappropriate
> delivery method? Or just commercial email sent inappropriately?
I think my point is really that there is no clear definition.
Different recipients and senders have different needs and
expectations, and they don't match for everyone. There is, of
course, a large body on which we can agree, and the clearest aspect
of that is its indiscriminate targeting - but even that can be caused
by simple ignorance.
For an example of the last, I have been getting messages from a
company wanting us to register on a database of construction firms.
We are not a construction firm, but have doubtless sold software to
such firms at various times. I get the feeling (after looking at
their web site) that this is not untargeted spam, but a genuine
attempt to build a useful register that has been mishandled through
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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