[pmmail-list] Spam -- your definition
Ann Knight
Fri, 31 May 2002 08:05:49 -0600 (MDT)
On Thu, 30 May 2002 12:14:42 -0300, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
>On Thu, 30 May 2002 10:03:18 -0500 (CDT), Robert Gammon wrote:
>>The distinction between telemarketers and
>>unsolicited e-mail is lost on me.
>I agree completely, they seem very similar to me.
>It is my opinion that it was only the greater quantity of email
>"spam" that gave rise to a greater level of irritation, which was
>escalated to an international outcry/litigation/legislation stage.
Flagrant abuse of servers and open relays would be the reason I'd put forth.
>Let's not kid ourselves, we have ALL been complaining about junk mail
>flyers and "we'll shampoo every rug in your house for $49.95!" phone
>calls since before time began. But we never got irritated enough to
>make it stop because it was only once a day or so.
Who is "we"? I got irritated enough to have telemarketers put me on their do not call list. They are
legally bound to respect my wishes.
>We could go further in the analogy that "spam" costs us all because
>of network infrastructure costs. Every piece of junk mail we get
>through postal mail was printed on paper, therefore imposing an
>environmental cost on society. Those trees will take 100 years to
>grow back.
It's distressing to see these spammers' arguments coming from PmMail Support. :( I'm not saying
you're a spammer, but that these "arguments" you're putting forth are the same ones used by
spammers to try to justify their abuse.
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