[pmmail-list] html rendering

Gregory L. Marx pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 07:14:47 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:25:43 +0000 (GMT), Simon Bowring wrote:


>There has been much (heated) discussion of HTML support in  both
>pmmail versions in this forum over the years. Personally, I have
>faith that Peter will do his utmost to satisfy both/all camps of 
>users in the next (*rewritten*) version of PMMail for Windows.

And since I don't run Windows as my primary OS I have to add:

That this rewrite of the codebase will also accomodate us OS/2 users who actually made PMMail for Win32 possible ...
Without us buying into PMMail when it was a OS/2 only product PMMail would have faded away like so many others ...

Never to have been reborn as a Windows application ...
Of that I very strongly believe to be true ...

Yes ... we are a small minority now ...
But hopefully Serenity Systems and eCS 1.1 will change that for the better ...

Onward-and-upward !!!

Gregory L. Marx

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