[pmmail-list] Re: HTML formatting in PMMail (Netiquette by some)
Simon Bowring
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:29:12 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:22:22 -0500, Phil Morgan wrote:
>PM: Since 1) I didn't have any prior reason to know anyone objected to
>HTML 2) no one in 20 years of this has ever brought it up as an issue
I think you still have a few misconceptions here!
Firtsly, neither you nor anyone else has been sending HTML mail for
twenty years!! HTML hasn't been around for 20 years. Mailers with
HTML support have been around for far less, IIRC the first appeared
around 1995/6, and didn't (inter-)work well or become become that
widespread for another year or so.
Also, even with "Enable HTML Formatting by default", PMMail 2000
does NOT make an HTML format message UNLESS you use mark-up (bold
etc, or change font. It (correctly) only use HTML format IF you
start using features that require it (verified with v2.20.2380).
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