[pmmail-list] HTML formatting
Kari Suomela
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:18:06 -0500
Friday November 29 2002 18:46, Paul D.J. de Vos wrote to All:
PV> Are there any RISKS involved in having PMMAIL
PV> display HTML messages? Personally, I couldn't
PV> care less whether such messages are rendered
PV> perfectly, as long as enabling this feature does
To the contrary. Proper handling of HTML would bring PMMail up to the
level of the freebie email clients. HTML is unavoidable, if you deal
with lots of companies and individuals. Some only provide HTML feedback
etc., and for now, I need to use Outlook or something, to see them.
After having used PMMail for years, and having stored messages, groups
etc. in a format that cannot (easily) be exported, it would be a real
chore to convert all that to something else - only because PMMail can't
handle HTML.
KARICO Business Services
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