[pmmail-list] BASIC on win2k (Was: Filter question)
Simon Bowring
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 10:37:15 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 10:57:16 +0200, Sorin Srbu wrote:
>Perhaps I should clarify:
>The user wants to create/tweak the basic-apps in win2k, but run
>them on dos5.
I assume you must have tried running the basic interpretter from
DOS5 under Win2K (ISTR it was called QBASIC/MBASIC .COM/.EXE or
I just tried running IBM's old DOS QBASIC.EXE (as shipped with
OS/2!) under Win98 and it worked perfectly!
>I'm not sure whether dos5 supports vbs?
No it most certainly doesn't!
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