[pmmail-list] Filter question/REXX
Steve Richards
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 16:09:06 -0500 (EST)
Well I think I found a much simpler solution (for me)'. I just found a small POP3 client that will download the
mail and put it in a subdirectory. I just created a REXX script to download from the four mailboxes that I want
and place it into the SMTP subdirectory I'm using. My filters place them into the right folders and thats that.
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 15:31:59 -0500 (EST), Bruce Francis wrote:
=>On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:48:13 -0500 (EST), Steve Richards wrote:
=>>I think what I am understanding is you run one account into many, where I run many accounts into
=>one ?
=>That's correct -- I get a number of emails as webmaster of many different websites.
=>The physical emails are all sent to a singular ISP. When I get the mail I filter for
=>the various different "To:" (or "CC:") headers, putting them into separate PMMail
=>"Accounts". Using separate PMMail accounts allows me to setup different
=>"From" and "Reply To".
=>>With regards to the fetch time, I do have the accounts setup to fetch at different times which mostly
=>solves any
=>>issue. The main problem is when I startup in the morning the POP first fetch will take longer than the
=>>interval for the SMTP receive time. For instance, I had 90 emails waiting which took about two
=>minutes to
=>>download and I have my SMTP account set to fetch every 37 seconds, hence the overlap where the
=>initial download
=>>has not completed.
=>Hmmmmmm.... this is basically how mine works (1st POP takes a very long time....
=>many minutes, sounds like *much* longer than yours, sometimes 10-20 mins) during
=>which the other PMMail "accounts" will be SMTP'ing their own incoming dirs.
=> I have not had any problem with this hanging solid while doing the initial fetch.
=>>I haven't written directly to anyone a BPSW.
=>Brandon is very good, more so if he can interface with Peter on this
=> /Bruce/
+++++ end of message ++++
Address correspondence to....
Steve Richards (steve@aducredit.com)
Alpha Data Utility, Inc
269 Hanover Street
Post Office Box 2164
Hanover, MA 02339
(781) 829-9411
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