[pmmail-list] "Dropbox" and suggestion
Thu, 05 Sep 2002 22:01:22 +0100
I am receiving messages just in the last couple of days that look like Outlook virus carriers - my anti-virus program yells about them. Strangley, in Win PMMail, they appear as "null" in the subject and sender, but in the OS/2 version, they look
like they came from Hotmail accounts, with subject and sender details displayed.
However, some go straight to "Dropbox" - what is this hidden folder ? I can trash them but not delete at all in XP unless I reboot to a command line, go to the said folder and delete them. Why can't I delte these bl***y messages using a
windows file manager ?
The suggestion - would it be possible to use remote control with the option of highlighting and deleting a particular message without having to wait for this to be done as part of the general message transfer ? Using 2.20.2502 at the moment.
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