Freeman, Barry
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 12:33:43 +0100
I was a bit unclear, wasn't I? (apart from forgetting to put a subject on).
Ok, what happens is, I do a Ctrl-J to open the filters window.
New, (name of filter), set the search to <header> and the condition to <whatever>.
Set incoming and manual.
1st Action -> Move Message - to: "Existing folder name with spaces"
2nd Action -> Stop filtering
press ok
The new filter appears as it should. press edit, and the "existing
folder name with spaces" is now the top folder in the list. The filter
works, but moves the messages to the wrong folder.
If I rename the "existing folder with spaces" to
"ExisitingFolderwithSpaces" then it saves the move-to destination and
the filter works.
On Fri, 06 Sep 2002 12:03:50 +0100, Xav wrote:
>On Fri, 06 Sep 2002 09:41:04 +0100, Freeman, Barry wrote:
>>Anyway, I've found a problem with filters.
>>If I have a folder with spaces in the name, the Move Message filter action won't save the name, it just puts in the top one in the list.
>>If I create a folder without spaces, it works fine.
>What procedure have you followed ? Did you create the filter before attemting to move messages ? I am using 2.20.2502 and have folders with spaces in the names and the filters are working perfectly.
>"the Move Message filter action won't save the name" - what exactly do you mean by this ?
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