[pmmail-list] Filter says forward message, still in outbox

Andrew Webber pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 12:11:36 -0400

I've never tried this before, but I made a filter that forwards
some messages (based on sender) to another address.  Just noticed
there are four of these in my Outbox but they haven't been sent.  

They don't go when I check for mail manually, either, although I
have my settings set to do so.

Is there something else I need to do in the filter other than
"Forward message" to a specific address?  I reindexed outbox and
they're still there.  (I've never received any of them, but I think
they're bigger than my cell phone can handle, so while this isn't
going to work with these messages anyway, I want to make sure I'm
doing it right).


andrew [awebber@wwwebbers.com]
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