[pmmail-list] Importing .csv
Mike Young
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 22:07:47 -0700
To answer your question 'Adr' is the literal word 'Adr'.
What I did was create at least one contact in the address book
and then use the export function to export it to a csv file. Then
look at that file in Excel and you will see the format needed.
Adr is first, etc. Create your csv file from the database to look
like that and then import it into the currently open address book.
I think my export statment for the database was something
SELECT 'Adr', Email, FullName, blah FROM Contacts WHERE blah
How it is done differs from database to database. Mine has an
export utility where you choose filename, filetype and then provide
the select statement. I could have also used an UNLOAD command.
Best regards,
Mike Young
On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 21:22:04 -0600, Martin Moran wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>Trying to import a .csv (DOS, not windows) database. Have toasted most
>of the non-relevant stuff. When open in my text editor, it has:
>email@domain.com,Alias,First and Last Name
>Checking the help, the first thing needed is "the exact text of Adr".
>Can someone please tell me what that is from their e-mail periodic
>table, so that I can put it in before the e-mail address? Thanks.
>Martin Moran ommoran@telusplanet.net
>Edmonton, Alberta e-mail for my PGP key
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