[pmmail-list] Any thought of developing....

Rod... Whitworth pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:27:28 +1000

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:02:36 +0100 (BST), Simon Bowring wrote:

>If the existing address book integration
>can be kept without too much inconveninece some of us at least would
>like to keep it. 

The existing address books are an abomination which condemn the product
to either:
A> solo users
B> corporate users where the One and Only Address Book (tm) is
propagated to everybody's machine thereby wiping out any personal

This has cost me clients who moved to realistic solutions which allowed
personal address books as well as a shared corporate book. If you think
that was trivial consider that one moved to a total Domino solution.
Figure the cost of 20 Notes clients plus a Domino server plus install
and configuration and compare the cost of 10 extra PMMail
licences...... They were seriously pissed off at the total lack of a
clue that SMBs wanted email as far as BSW was concerned.

Keeping a few OS/2 users (I am one) happy that they can still use a
defunct unsupported newsreader is a recipe for failure.

If BSW wants to stay alive TPTB needs to keep the potentially larger
market happy = not clinging to old dead weights to satisfy all four of

Get used to it. Maybe you can pay for the code to backlevel your new
address books to a PMInews version or else some (other) REXX guru can
write a script for you.

I have sold a bunch of PMMail licenses in my time. There are 4 in this
house alone and they are all in use. The problem is there is NOT a PMM
product for small business where sharing is VERY important.

BSW can not afford to listen only to the die-hards who are happy to
have lots of betas and a new version (maybe).

Without new sales you (we?) are all out in the cold and those new sales
can only  come from beady eyed new potential customers with feature
lists which need lots of tick marks on 'em.


Me...a skeptic?  I trust you have proof.

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