[pmmail-list] Any thought of developing....
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:45:20 +0200 (MES)
On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:27:28 +1000, Rod... Whitworth wrote:
> The existing address books are an abomination which condemn the product
> to either:
> A> solo users
> or
> B> corporate users where the One and Only Address Book (tm) is
> propagated to everybody's machine thereby wiping out any personal
> entries.
The solution in my humble view is LDAP, which is already supported by
PMMail, although in a quite rudimentary way. I doubt that PMMail supports
LDAPv3, but it should be not too difficult to add, and LDAPv3 allows updates
to the central address book by an LDAP client.
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
PMMail also has some support for LDIF (LDAP Interchange File), at least in
the migration package for Netscape Communicator.
As to the integration with PMInews, I think the best solution is to have an
export routine which writes the current address book format, and some REXX
script which produce LDIF change files for changes from PMInews, which then
can be imported by PMMail.
Lüko Willms
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